Quantum Jump Meditation


Ready to jump timelines?

This meditation takes you through a revisit of past realities as we honor and thank every version of you before upgrading and evolving to the next stage of your metamorphosis. Through deep hypnosis, chakra cleansing, and a quantum visualization, you will jump onto your highest healed timeline available. Prepare for a brand new self-concept that will attract new opportunities and abundance.

What to do after?

  • Do not look for changes in your external world after listening. It’s important to remember that you have changed, not others. Slowly but surely your reality will start to transform.

  • Switch up tiny things in your routine like driving a different route home or going to a different grocery store. This reminds your subconscious that you’ve made a shift.

  • Create a music playlist that represents your new upgraded self. Play the playlist every morning or in your car to tap into your new vibration.

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